Take it from the Ironwoman

Shannon Keegan - The Marathon Swimmer

Episode Summary

Shannon Keegan - A lifelong pool swimmer, I dabbled in triathlon, but the anxiety of competition and fears of “what lurks beneath” consumed me. It wasn’t until I witnessed the finish of a 10 mile open water swim, that I discovered the inadequately named: “solo marathon swimming”. Anything but solo, I’ve discovered that with a team I can swim down rivers and across lakes for 12 hours or more. Since my enchantment with endurance swimming ensued, I have married, become mother to two energetic boys, and pursued my passion to help people ‘start swimming places’ by emphasizing efficient swimming technique.

Episode Notes

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Podcast: https://marathonswimstories.com/


For further information: 

Monday & Wednesday: Podcast “Take it from the Ironwoman” more than 200 episodes
Wednesday: Facebook live with "From the Lipstick Leadership Living Room” 1 pm ET
Friday: weekly blog

Instagram: susanne_mueller_nyc
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/susanne-mueller-ma/
Clubhouse: @susanne3600
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCHuxdEscM0y0IQIFsRhVqDA


Both Take it from the Ironwoman and Lipstick Leadership are also books, order them on Amazon.

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