Take it from the Ironwoman

Ep. 418 - Libby Romfh - 365 Books, Daily Blogger

Episode Summary

Main topics: BOOKS, BOOKS - Daily blogging about a book - 4,500 books at home - surrounded by books and stories - walking 10 Miles Favorites: Long Winter, Laura Ingalls Wilder Sam, Bangs & Moonshine, Evaline Ness

Episode Notes

Libby Romfh received her first, well-deserved, rejection letter from Random House at age 5.

After a career leading change at Barnes & Noble, Libby launched her blog, Change + Management, to share her learnings. This year, Libby challenged herself to blog daily. What about?

Books, of course.

Reading helps us navigate life. When facing challenges, we stumble across a character in the same situation: they may be a pioneer, a detective, or an alien, but there they are, facing our same problem.

Libby encourages you to try unfamiliar books, discover untapped facets of your character, and apply a novel approach to change.


Follow her daily blog: https://changeplusmanagement.blog/blog/