Take it from the Ironwoman

Ep. 408 Cristina Bertarelli - Late Bloomer, Vibrant Soul

Episode Summary

Born in the northern of Italy where the sun is shy and so the souls, Cristina Bertarelli spent more than twenty years travelling the world, in the beginning not by choice. Then, embracing the beauty of the surroundings. Globetrotting inspired her journey, collecting stories and fantasies. Beneath the wanderlust, a creative flame flickered. It never turned off. At fifty, she embraced first the pencil writing short stories and finally the brush, surrendering to the vibrant whispers of her artistic soul. Her art, like her life, speaks about her untold creative soul - inspired by beauty and seasoned by the events of the world. Each stroke tells a story, a whispered echo of "never give up on your dreams," her personal mantra, reminding us that life's masterpieces often bloom in unexpected seasons.

Episode Notes

Follow her journey as an artist:  https://www.instagram.com/cristinabertarelli_art/?hl=en