Take it from the Ironwoman

Ep. 399 - Diana Nash - the Grief Therapist

Episode Summary

Diana Nash -- a grief therapist for 20+ years, and adjunct professor of psychology at Marymount Manhattan College, holds a MA in Counseling Psychology from New York University. Diana is a licensed mental health counselor, (LMHC). Her practice is devoted to grieving clients and those who struggle with anxiety and depression. She teaches thanatology courses and is a faculty award-winning professor and scholar. Ms. Nash published “A Facebook Lesson for Churches,” in The Christian Science Monitor, has been interviewed by CBS News as their grief expert, and presented “Grief in America,” at Moscow State University in Russia, after the 9/11/2001 tragedy.

Episode Notes

Marymount Manhattan College, New York: https://www.mmm.edu/

Diana can be found as a therapist on: Better help / Psychology Today