Take it from the Ironwoman

Elizabeth Olivera - Have a Goal and a Purpose - How Running is helping (in Spanish)

Episode Summary

Elizabeth es Mexicana; ella nacio y cresio en Puebla, Mexico. A los 17 anos se muda a New York eventualmente se caso y tiene 4 hijos. Ella lleva a sus hijos a clases de karate y tambien practicaba kickboxing. Su cuñado Virgilo Marin era su entrenador . La pista de Forest Park in New York en este lugar entrenan grandes corredores como Memo Morales. El es una persona que inspira a mas corredores atraves de sus logros. Elizabeth se inscribio a su primer marathon sin haber entrenado y corrio en Philadelphia con un tiempo de 3:45. Sus amigos corredores hablaban del marathon de Boston y de que para correrlo era necesario calificarse por tiempo. Eso fue su meta y corria el marathon de New York y califico con un tiempo de 3:22 en pocas semanas para cumplir su meta de corer Boston. Actualmente trabaja en una tortilleria Mexicana y entrene por la noche. Elizabeth is Mexican, she was born and raised in Puebla, Mexico At the age of 17 she moved to New York City, got married and has four children. She takes them to classes like karate and kickboxing. Her brother-in-law, Virgilo Marin, was her trainer. She is training in the woods of Forest Park in New York. Other great runners, like Memo Morales are also training there. Memo is a person who has inspired her and others with his running achievements. Elizabeth signed up for the Philadelphia marathon without having trained much; she finished in a time of 3:45. Her friends spoke about the marathon of Boston; she is aware she has to qualify. She qualified with a time of 3:22 in New York. Now is she training for the Boston and New York City Marathon in 2021. At the moment, she works in a Mexican Tortilleria during the day and runs in Forest Park at night. (Listen to Episode #207 with Memo Morales)

Episode Notes

Follow Elizabeth: https://www.facebook.com/elizabeth.olivera.9026


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Both Take it from the Ironwoman and Lipstick Leadership are also books, order them on Amazon.

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