Take it from the Ironwoman

Be the Change you want to See - Craig Constantine (Episode II)

Episode Summary

Craig's mission is creating better conversations to spread understanding and compassion. Great conversation requires great listening from everyone involved. But if we don’t actively practice, listening will become a lost art. The key to its preservation lies in cultivating our natural, genuine curiosity. That curiosity will lead to understanding, and then to compassion. I hope you’ll join me through my projects below, or by taking initiative in your own life, online or off. What are you three words to describe you: Discovery. Reflection. Efficacy.

Episode Notes

Follow Craig's Journey:  https://constantine.name/



For further information: 

Monday & Wednesday: Podcast “Take it from the Ironwoman” more than 200 episodes
Wednesday: Facebook live with "From the Lipstick Leadership Living Room” 1 pm ET
Friday: weekly blog

Instagram: susanne_mueller_nyc // take_it_from_the_ironwoman
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/susanne-mueller-ma/
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCHuxdEscM0y0IQIFsRhVqDA


Both Take it from the Ironwoman and Lipstick Leadership are also books, order them on Amazon.

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